What It’s Like to Be Narcissistic

If you’re still learning about NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) this is a great place to start. This is what I’m dealing with times 2 on a daily basis. I left my abusive sham of a marriage to shield my children from the abuse. Sadly now they are forced to spend more time then they’ve ever had to with him. Paying our next court date at the end of November, rules in the best interest of our children. Praying the judge will at the very least consider the documentation I have compiled over this past year and a half. What started out as me believing that a father of three should bear some financial responsibility for the three children he helped create has only allowed him to bear no responsibility but rather use them as pawns. I wish I never filed, it wasn’t until then did this sudden interest in custody begin. If I had it to do over again…

After Narcissistic Abuse

NarcissusCropped2Imagine a game of Golf or other sport and having the best day of your career. You feel great, but the mental wall between confidence and fear is thin as tissue paper. Everything is riding on the next shot, and then the one after that. For narcissists the game encompasses their whole world, and it is NEVER over.

Imagine the pressure should the only meaningful goal in your life be proving that you are something more than human. A narcissist’s greatest fear is of being ordinary and thus, ignored. They are incapable of being connected to anything or anyone larger than themselves, because in their world, THERE IS NOTHING LARGER.

Beyond their frenetic attempts to prove the improvable lies only a dark, unexplored void. You might be tempted to think of them as tragic figures if they weren’t so dangerous and thoroughly obnoxious.

On one hand, narcissists may be extremely intelligent…

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